If you are of advanced maternal age or your prenatal genetic screening shows an increased risk of a genetic abnormality, the team of expert MFMs at TLC Perinatal PA in Silver Spring, Hagerstown, and Germantown, Maryland, offer chorionic villus sampling (CVS). CVS provides more details about your baby’s genetic makeup, which your OB/GYN uses to plan your prenatal treatment to help you have a healthy pregnancy. Get a referral from your obstetrician, then call TLC Perinatal PA or schedule an appointment online today.

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What is chorionic villus sampling (CVS)?

The chorionic villi are part of your placenta. They provide an increased surface area for oxygen and nutrients from your body to be delivered to your baby. Your chorionic villi, like your placenta, form from the fertilized egg and share the same genes as your baby.

The doctors at TLC Perinatal PA offer CVS to screen your baby for genetic diseases, congenital abnormalities, and other potential pregnancy complications. The test is usually provided between weeks 11 and 14 of pregnancy.

Why would I need chorionic villus sampling?

The maternal-fetal medicine specialists at TLC Perinatal PA offer CVS for many reasons, including:

  • Abnormal prenatal screening results
  • Chromosomal condition in a previous pregnancy
  • Advanced maternal age
  • Family history of a specific genetic condition

CVS helps your MFM specialist identify conditions such as Down syndrome and other single-gene disorders, including Tay-Sachs disease, sickle cell, and cystic fibrosis.

Knowing about genetic abnormalities early in your pregnancy allows your obstetrician to customize your prenatal care to help you have a healthy pregnancy. It also gives you time to learn about what your baby will need and what to expect after your delivery so that you can provide the best possible care to your new baby. The expert testing and interpretation provided by TLC Perinatal PA gives you and your obstetrician that information.

What happens during chorionic villus sampling?

Your MFM specialist will give you instructions on how to prepare for your CVS. For example, you might need to have a full bladder during the test. You should also arrange to have someone drive you to and from your appointment.

During the procedure, your doctor uses ultrasound to confirm your baby’s gestational age and the position of your baby and the placenta. The ultrasound also allows your doctor to guide the needle to the best site to collect the cells while minimizing disturbance to your baby.

Your doctor can perform CVS through your cervix (transcervical) or abdomen (transabdominal), depending on the age and position of your baby. In a transcervical CVS procedure, your doctor inserts a thin tube through your cervix to collect a small sample of chorionic villi. If they perform a transabdominal CVS, your doctor inserts the needle through your abdomen.

You might feel some pressure or a slight sting during your CVS procedure. Any discomfort should subside soon after the test is complete. After your CVS, you should avoid strenuous exercise and sexual activity for at least 24 hours.

After getting a referral from your obstetrician, call TLC Perinatal PA or schedule your CVS appointment online today.